No longer impossible to achieve 100 scores of LQA standard

The sequence of steps requested by LQA standards
1. Greeting guests in 30 second

      Using local language: Sawaddee krab/ka
      Expressing body language: eye contact, smile

Simply socializing:    
How are you today?
How can I do for you sir and madam?

2.  Directing guests to the table and asking their satisfaction

  •             Would you like to have a seat downstairs or upstairs?
  •             Would you like to have a seat in smoking or non – smoking area?
  •             Would you like to look first?
  •             Are you satisfied with this table?

You can recommend nice tables for guests

If you like to see the nice view, I recommend you this table
Today is clearing up. Would you like to have a seat at that table to enjoy a spectacular view of the beach?


3. Serving them with a set of amenities including cold towel and mosquitoes spray

   4. Presenting menu lists 
             Menu list for beverage will be presented to guests first. After taking orders    for drink, waiter or waitress is going to ask guests “would you like to have    lunch or dinner here as well?” If they would like to order food here, menu for    food will be presented to them.
   Noted: do not present menu for drink and food at the same time.
    In case that  guests directly ask for lunch or dinner at first time, menu for    food can be presented after menu for drink was presented.

5.  Taking orders in 3 minutes
Noted: repeat orders all the time after taking orders

For example: Excuse me sir or madam, may I repeat your orders?  You have one Tuna salad with gluten free bread, two spaghetti Bolognese and two glasses of  Chenin Blanc white wine.

6. Serving processes and present food and beverage
            Waiter or waitress should present food and drink in order to make sure that guests will get correct orders.

For example: May I present your food? This dish is tuna tata with low spicy and this one is lemongrass prawn skewers no onion.

7. Asking their satisfaction about beverage or food

            After guests had eaten some of food for a while, a staff asks them how much they satisfied with their drink or food.
           For example: How is your cocktail? Is everything alright? Would you like to have anything else?

8. Clearing tables
            When guests finished having food in dishes, staffs ask for clearing table.
            How to say for clearing table in proper way:
"Excuse me sir or madam. Have you finished this dish? May I keep it?"

Noted : Even though you see guests stop eating, you cannot keep dishes without asking for permission.

 9. Asking for dessert
            After guests finished all main course, staffs will ask them for dessert 
                           “Would you like to have anything for dessert?” 
             If guests want to order some dessert, present them menu for dessert.

10. Giving them cold towel and tooth sticks after main course

11. Offering tea or coffee
            Would you like to have coffee or tea?

12. Upselling digestive drink

13. Present the bill when guests request
            This is your bill. Could you please that’s all correct and may I have your signature please?
  14. Expressing a feeling of thankfulness
            Thank you very much
            Wish you have a nice day
            Hope to see you again

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